Q-PLM - the project

Q-PLM - Quality Assurance for VET Providers Using Product Lifecycle Management

European Programme:

Lifelong Learning Programme
Leonardo da Vinci Multilateral Projects for Development of Innovation


1st of October 2013 – 30th of September 2015


A vast number of factors and variables are influencing services and products on the vocational education and training (VET) market. Product lifecycle management is a conceptual approach which takes a product throughout its entire lifetime into consideration. Each product on the economic market has a certain product lifecycle -so do VET products. Product lifecycle management can be an appropriate tool for the measurement of indicators of a VET product and the management of its lifetime.

Economic need:

There is a high demand for a coherent and practical instrument for the monitoring of the lifecycles of VET products, with consideration of several variables influencing VET offers, at the VET provider level.

The main aim

of the Q-PLM project is the development of an IT-based tool for the integrated product lifecycle management for VET providers.

Project outputs:

  • Analysis of existing PLM (Product Lifecycle Management) software
  • Research of variables influencing the product lifecycle of a VET offer
  • Identification of indicators for variables for product lifecycles in VET
  • Handbook for Active Product Lifecycle Management for VET providers
  • Software product for Active Product Lifecycle Management for VET providers
  • Testing phase for the software
  • Final conference event in Austria in June 2015
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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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This project is supported by the Austrian Ministry of Education and Women, as well as the European Commission.