
Q-PLM - Kick-off meeting

kickoff 1November 6th-8th 2013 / Schwerin (DE)

The kick-off meeting of the Q-PLM project was held in Schwerin / Germany from 6th to 8th of November 2013. The aims of this meeting were to start this very interesting project, to get to know each other, to set the basis for further working in the partnership, to agree with the next steps, to fulfil and to settle the tasks and deadlines for the upcoming workpackages.
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Hanke on rahoitettu Euroopan komission tuella.
Tästä julkaisusta (tiedotteesta) vastaa ainoastaan sen laatija, eikä komissio ole vastuussa siihen sisältyvien tietojen mahdollisesta käytöstä.

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Tämä projekti on saanut rahallista tukea Austrian Ministry of Education and Women taholta kuin myös Euroopan komissiolta.